How To Meditate Properly | Meditation Improvement Techniques

How To Meditate Properly

Meditating properly is actually hard to achieve. With a lot of practice, dedication, discipline, and patience anyone, including yourself,  can achieve deep mediation and earn all of the benefits. Meditating properly requires you to be able silence your conscience mind and let go. You have to let go of all conscious thoughts such as worry, fear, anxiety, stress, anger, and any other negative things that may enter your mind.


What is Meditation?


Meditation means different things to different people and societies. The basic definition for meditation is a process to clear thoughts and set a new focus. It helps you achieve a complete calmness in your body and mind. Meditation is not being unaware of anything. Many people believe this. Truthfully, when you meditate properly you will have a focus each time you go into meditation and be very aware of your mind, body, and spirit.  Not only will you be more aware, but you will also unlock hidden abilities like the one to heal every illness and disease.


Why Should I Try To Meditate Properly or Enter Deep Meditation?


When you properly meditate you will gain much greater control over you mind, body, and spirit. This is how many miraculous healings have occurred. The human body is a wonderful and complex thing. You have the ability to naturally heal almost every disease and illness that plague modern society. The problem is most people are not in touch with their bodies. By listening to what your body needs you can find out very quickly how fast terminal illnesses can be cured.

Miraculous healings are only achieved by a few who have the ability to deep meditate. There are some benefits, however, that everyone can share. The stress reducing benefits of meditating properly are amazing. If you spend 15 minutes each day meditating then you will see a significantly lower level of stress and anxiety.

One of the biggest benefits that gets overlooked the most, is the problem solving abilities. If you set your focus to solving a problem and enter a deep meditative state, then you will find that answers will come to you out of nowhere. I have had problems that I couldn’t solve not matter what, then through deep meditating answers came that I would have never thought of on my own.

With all of that extra brainpower you will find that you can unlock a higher level of creativity. Take all of the distractions out and bring in complete focus and you have a recipe for creative success.

There have been many scientific studies on the benefits of meditation. They show that there are many truths about the claimed benefits. Eastern cultures have known this for centuries. Until recently most western culture saw meditation and yoga as a Buddhist practice and refused to be open-minded about it. Thanks to all of the modern communication more people have become exposed to meditation. This has allowed  more opportunities for people to experience this first hand. You can search on the internet and you will find many testimonials to the benefits of mediation.

There are many different types of meditation out there. Each one has its own objectives and benefits. Each person has a style of meditation that they prefer. The only way to know which is best for you is to learn about the different ones and try them for yourself.


What Different Types of Mediation Are There?


Transcendental Meditation – One of the more common types of mediation. This one is achieved by a focus such as a mantra or yoga. It involves simply relaxing and having patience. This can be practiced anywhere. The common place would be laying on your bed or couch.

Guided Meditation – This is where you can let a guide take you into and through you meditation. This usually involves steps that lead you from a regular state into a deep meditative state. Most of the time this is done with an audio tape. This form of meditation is great for beginners and gives you something to guide you to properly meditate in the future.

Yoga Meditation – This one is really great as it involves physical exercise and very coordinated body movements. Yoga mediation really gets you in touch with the different parts of your body. It also teaches you correct breathing techniques and may be beneficial for anyone with any type of breathing disorder. You can find  yoga dvds usually anywhere they sell exercise equipment or online.

Biofeedback Meditation – This one involves gaining great control over your body in order to naturally heal certain disorders and diseases. This kind of meditation is not for beginners and results may vary greatly. You must be able to obtain a deep level of meditation and have a very strong connection with your body and mind. You can search online and find more resources about how to go about this if interested.

Using a Mantra – A mantra is a saying that repeated over and over will bring you some very relaxing meditative time. Most mantras are religious quotes or positive sayings that bring you into touch with a certain aspect of your life. These are great intermediate practices and will help you keep your mind clear during mediation.

Imagery – This type of meditation involves a focus on an image until it relaxes the mind and body. Most images used in meditation have a series of infinite patterns that can occupy you for the duration of your meditation. They don’t have to be stand alone mediation, but can be used as tools to help you build focus.

Binaural Beats –  This type of meditation is almost like being hypnotized. These beats are said to have a tone to them that syncs with the brain to enter you into a deep trance. I have heard mixed options about these ranging from very effective to waste of time. You can search for free binaural beats online and you will find many resources if you wish to try this technique.


How To Meditate and Enter Into Deep Meditation?


There is no wrong way to meditate. Each person will have their own preferred method, style, time frame, location, time of day, frequency, and focus. Here are 4 basic steps and 10 great tips to help you start meditating properly.

Step 1: Prepare

Find a quiet and calm location where you won’t be disturbed for however much time you need. I recommend at least 15 minutes, but you can use more or less. Get together any tools you may need such as mantras, imagery, guided meditations, yoga videos, music, etc. Make sure no matter where you are that you are comfortable. Also, make sure you have your basic needs filled such as hunger or thirst. Turn off anything that may be a distraction such as your cell phone or T.V.

Step 2: Relax

Start out by relaxing and calming your mind and body. Clear your mind so that you aren’t thinking about anything but your body and focus. Take the time to get in touch with your body. For some people it may take longer than others. If you are doing a quiet meditation lay down, then you would focus on each part of your body one at a time until you notice a calmness throughout your body. You can listen to soothing music if this helps or even hum a low-frequency vibration.

Step 3: Patience

Now that you are in your relaxed state then you need to have patience. Don’t do meditation when you have something to do right after. Make sure you allow yourself plenty of time before and after your session. Have patience especially starting out. It may take you 10 minutes or an hour. It really varies from person to person and day-to-day.  Once you achieve a clear mind you can start your way into deep meditation. You will feel an overwhelming calmness and serenity in your entire existence when you reach deep meditation.

Step 4: Clarity

Enjoy your moments of clarity. Keep your mind on your focus and nothing else. Remember to stay positive and listen to your body. You can stay in clarity as long as you want. Most people stay in this state for 5 to 15 minutes. This is where all of the really good benefits of mediation come into play. Remember you won’t get the full benefit of meditation unless you reach this last step. If you don’t get it your first few times that’s ok. With practice and patience you will be able to achieve this and learn to meditate properly.


10 Useful Meditation Tips

  1. Be Positive
  2. Stay Focused
  3. Have Patience
  4. Relax
  5. Eliminate Distraction
  6. Be Comfortable
  7. Don’t Fall Asleep
  8. Use Your Resources
  9. Enjoy Your Serenity and Peace of Mind
  10. Practice

I hope this article gives you some insights on how to meditate properly. If you find this useful please support us by sharing. The more information we share the more people we can help. Good Luck!