16 Things You Can Do At The Park

Are you considering going to the park today? Why not? There are tons of things you can do at the park either by yourself or with others. Some of these things may cost just a small amount of money and others are free.

1. Go for a walk and enjoy the scenery.
2. Play tennis, basketball, volleyball, horseshoes, or any other sport they have available.
3. If there is a river available then walk along it, fish, swim, wade or anything else you like to do near water.
4. Ride your bike at the park or ride it to the park if you live close enough.
5. Volunteer if anything is available or grab a trash bag and start picking up litter. Doing a little work for nothing in return really feels good.
6. Take your kids or someone else’s kids with you and enjoy them playing on the equipment.
7. Take your lunch down there and eat it or find a nice spot to cookout. Most parks have pavilions and other places with grills where you can go and cook.
8. Take your dog for a walk. This is great exercise and you dog will love you for it. If you don’t have one borrow someone else’s.
9. Take you baby for a ride in his/her stroller.
10. Do some geo caching if you know what that is. If you don’t search for it on the internet.
11. Take a good book down there and find a quiet relaxing spot to read.
12. If you have any school work or studying to do the park is an excellent place to get this done.
13. If you have a digital camera or a professional one go down there and take some photos. You can then upload them to Facebook or get them developed. Nature shots look really good on the wall at home.
14. If you have any little bit of artist in you, go down there and paint some scenery. If you don’t paint take a pencil and paper down there to draw some.
15. If you’re feeling social go there and talk to complete strangers. Many of them will end up conversing back.
16. Feed the wildlife. Take some seed or bread down there and feed birds, ducks, squirrels etc.

Whatever it is you enjoy get out and go at it. The park is an excellent place for all kinds of fun.