The Art Of Problem Solving with a 4 Step Process

We all have problems to solve every once in awhile. While its true, some more than others, we all still have them. Problem solving skills are sought after by everyone who wants to be successful. Why do you thing these skills are so important? Because problems will arise and being able to solve them quickly and effectively is a premium quality to have.

The art of problem solving is so hard to understand. You just simply follow a little process and give the required thought to solve the problem. The best part is that most problems can be solved a number of different ways. This will allow you to come up with a solution that not only suits you, but might allow you to use your current skill set in the process. This could give you an advantage depending on the problem and skill sets you have.

Step 1 Identifying the Problem

Before you can solve anything you have to be able to correctly identify what the problem is. Easy, huh? Not really. Problems are seen very easily, but the root problem may not be so obvious. Root problems can spawn out a number of additional ones. If you solve it at its source then you could potentially eliminate several other problems all at one time. This method is extremely effective.

So how do I identify Root Problems?

Root problems don’t have another problem that causes them. For example: If you don’t have enough money then you could get another job to try and make more. While this would solve your problem of not having enough money it isn’t solving the root problem. The root problem is most likely that you either waste to much or have to many bills. By cutting your spending you solve several money related problems instantly. Follow problems back to their origin and source. Ask yourself questions to figure out what causes them and then what causes that answer.

Step 2: Think

After you figure out your root problem, it’s going to be up to you to figure out how to solve it. You could bring in some help, but in most cases you are the one who knows what needs to be done and how you need to do it. The best way to figure this out is to take some time to think. You just need a quiet spot where you can sit down and analyze the full situation and run through several different scenarios. Think about tools you can use and bring in all of your resources.

Step 3: Make A Plan

After you come up with a good solution that fits your style of problem solving, its time for you to make a plan. Come up with some time frames and break it down into micro goals for you to easily manage. If you like you could get out a pencil and paper and write all of this down. Set milestones and dates. Be realistic and allow for extra time in case something unexpected comes up.

Step 4: Take Action

After you come up with a plan and solution, its time to take action. Get started immediately and start moving in the right direction. Don’t think about things like how hard this is going to be. Take it one step at a time until you get the problem resolved and meet your deadline outlined earlier. The big problem that most people have here is that they procrastinate and don’t ever take that first step towards getting it done. Don’t fall into that trap.

Problem solving is an art. You can do it many different ways and with completely different approaches. Some are better than others, but what matters the most is the end result. These 4 basic steps to solving any problem can be used for simple or complex ones. You can work this right into your current skill set and become the problem solver that gets things done. Good Luck!