A List Of Benefits From Getting Physically Healthy

Physical exercise and sport improve our health and quality of life, providing a range of benefits on the physical, psychological and socio-emotional, even if done without exercise control, faulty technique, inadequate positions, exceeding the limits, etc.. could cause serious damage and injury on our body. Some of these benefits are:

At the physical level:

  • Removes grease and prevents obesity.
  • Increases resistance to fatigue.
  • Prevents heart disease.
  • Improves breathing amplitude and efficacy of the respiratory muscles.
  • Decreases heart rate at rest.
  • Promotes growth.
  • Improves muscle development.
  • Combat osteoporosis.
  • It improves overall physical performance by increasing levels of strength, speed, stamina, etc..
  • Regulates constipation caused by bad habits such as sedentary.
  • Increased vital capacity.

A psychic level:

  • Tranquilizers and antidepressant effects.
  • Improved reflexes and coordination.
  • Provides sense of wellbeing.
  • Eliminates stress.
  • Prevents insomnia and regulates sleep.
  • A social and emotional level:
  • Encourages participation and initiative.
  • Stimulates desire to work in groups.
  • Channeled aggression.
  • It promotes self-control.
  • It teaches us to accept and overcome the losses.
  • It teaches us to take responsibility and accept the rules.
  • Promotes and improves self-esteem.
  • Improving body image.

Exercise improves mental functioning, autonomy, memory, speed, “body image” and the feel-good, there is stability in personality characterized by optimism, euphoria and mental flexibility.
Decreases resting heart rate, and when an effort is made, the quantity of blood ejected from the heart with each beat. In this way the heart is greater efficiency “wasting” less energy to work.
It stimulates the circulation within the heart muscle by promoting the “power” of the heart.

On the circulatory system:

Contributes to the reduction of blood pressure.
Increases circulation to all muscles.
Reduces the formation of clots in the arteries thereby prevents the development of myocardial and cerebral thrombosis.
Physical activity programs should provide relaxation, strength, muscle strength and flexibility. In the interaction of the body in space and time through the movement, many learning are constructed of man. This construction is done through a series of educational experiences that are promoted through exploration, practice and internalization, structuring a so-called body schema.

The physical exercise contributes to our health benefits (physiological, on the heart, on the circulatory system, the musculoskeletal system, on the metabolism and psychological and psychosocial aspects). This is analyzed at different stages of life: children and adolescents, adults and seniors.

Physiological benefits:
– Increased cardiorespiratory fitness, which optimizes the overall functioning of the organism and its performance against specific demands.
– Reduced risk of heart disease and prevention of second episodes of heart attacks in people who have suffered heart attacks.
– Decrease in blood pressure and prevention of essential hypertension.
– Prevention and reduction of respiratory disorders.
– Prevent the deterioration of bone mineralization.
– Preventing atrophy of muscle tissue, shortening and the stiffness of the joints.
– Increased flexibility at any age.
– Prevent and control the muscle pain (myositis and myalgia).
– Reduce weight and maintaining weight loss: increased muscle mass or lean body mass and decreased fat mass.
– Improve the overall physical appearance.
– It also helps to realize the strengths and limitations of the individual physical, facilitating proprioception and giving a good sense of the body.

On the heart:
– Decreases resting heart rate.
– During exercise increases the amount of blood ejected with each beat the heart and cardiac efficiency is greater than “wasting” less energy.
– Stimulates the coronary circulation within the heart muscle favoring the “power” of the heart.

On the circulatory system:
– Contributes to reducing blood pressure.
– Promotes and increases circulation throughout the body.
– Reduces the formation of clots within blood vessels, preventing the onset of stroke, thrombosis and embolism.
– Acts on the vascular endothelium, improving their business and keeping it more elastic.
– Improved venous return by preventing, among other conditions, the appearance of varicose veins.

On the musculoskeletal system:
– Helps strengthen joint structures (bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons) and improves the function of the musculoskeletal system contributing to the quality of life and degree of independence especially among the elderly.
– Increases muscle and joint elasticity.
– Increases strength and endurance of muscles.
– It prevents osteoporosis.
– Prevents muscle deterioration caused by years.
– Facilitates the movement and development of activities of daily living.

On the metabolism:
– Increase the capacity utilization of oxygen that reaches the body through the circulation.
– Increased muscle enzyme activity, allowing better muscle metabolism with less need for cardiac work requirement.
– Improves the immune response to infections or attacks of various kinds.
– Increases the secretion of various hormones work and contribute to the improvement of body functions.
– Increased fat intake during activity thus contributing to weight loss.
– Collaborate in lowering total cholesterol and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol with increased HDL (“good”).
– Improved glucose tolerance favoring the treatment of diabetes.
– Aids digestion, helps regulate bowel movements bowel habits and preventing constipation, reducing the risk of colon cancer.

On the psychological aspects:
– Increased feeling of well being and reduces mental stress (release of endorphins occurs favoring the “feel good” after exercise).
– Enhancing and strengthening self-confidence and self esteem.
– Improved self-image contribute to establishing a positive relationship with one’s body.
– Decreases the aggressiveness, anger, anxiety, anxiety and depression.
– Reduces the feeling of fatigue, giving more power and work capacity.
– Improves quality of sleep and reduces insomnia.
– Assists in maintaining a healthy sex life.

On the psycho-social:
– Relieves adverse moods and other manifestations of psychological stress.
– Provides entertainment, distraction from everyday problems …
– Prevents and reduces symptoms of pathological states of anxiety (generalized anxiety disorder, phobic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder) and depression.
– Helps prevent and modify certain behaviors abnormal, such as antisocial behavior.
– Involved in the prevention, control and abandon unhealthy behaviors such as alcoholism, smoking and drug abuse.
– Help to develop a lifestyle based on the commitment and perseverance, optimism, cooperation …
– Set values and positive role models.
– Development and strengthening of social relations.
– Learning and development of sports skills.
– Coping and achieving challenges.

The health benefits of regular physical activity have been seen in numerous studies. A sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
The health benefits include:
Cardiovascular disease: the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (heart attack, angina, high blood pressure) is much smaller in people who are physically active.
Cholesterol: regular physical activity raises levels of HDL (“good” cholesterol).
Diabetes reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In people with diabetes, exercise helps control glucose levels.
Obesity: Physical activity helps burn excess fats in the diet and weight control. In the obese, a proper combination of diet and physical activity, is the best way to help them lose weight.
Bones and joints: Regular physical activity prevents the development of osteoporosis and back pain.
Cancer: Physical activity also helps reduce the risk of developing cancer (link).
Mental health: Studies show that physical activity helps alleviate stress, anxiety or depression and improve well-being and self esteem. It also helps you sleep better.
Children: children physically active are less likely to develop adult obesity.
Elderly: helps maintain mobility as we age. It also prevents the development of some types of dementia.