How To Vent Your Emotions, Feelings, And Thoughts

Vent Your Emotions Feelings Thoughts

Venting is a great way to release suppressed emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Keeping stuff bottled up never makes things better and can lead to  heavy stress or even a nervous breakdown.

Benefits of Venting Your Emotions, Feelings, And Thoughts

  • Less Bottled Up Anger, Sadness, & Frustration
  • Feelings of Relief
  • Let’s Others In & In Most Cases They Can Help
  • Get Advice From Support
  • Express Yourself
  • Clear Your Conscience

Venting is a great way to relieve built up tension and will make you feel better instantly. Unless you vent in some form or another you will only be bottling up emotions and feelings which can lead to more problems down the road. Venting doesn’t always have to be to another person. It can easily be written down on paper or said out load when nobody is around. I’ll tell you more later on in this article about methods and ways to vent, keep reading to find out more.

Everyone needs to vent at some point or another. Learning the correct way to do this and utilizing it will greatly add to your personal development. I recommend learning everything thing you can about the correct way to do this then slowly work your way into a good vent.  If you have had a rough day and had no way to release those feelings, then you are in need of a good vent. Once you let out the emotions you will instantly feel better, and it will be like a burden has been lifted off your shoulders.

If you are constantly plagued with negative emotions such as anger, sadness, and frustration you need to vent these off. You need to vent off about situations that happen and things you have no real control over. There are so many times that you can’t react the way you fee,l at the moment something is happening. This is ok. There is nothing wrong with holding in emotions for a little while, until an appropriate time comes when you can release these feelings.

If you are venting to another person who doesn’t mind to listen, this would be a great time to get some advice and possibly some insights into ways of thinking, you may not have thought about. No matter what the reason for your venting is, it is a great tool to have under your belt. Now that you have some idea of why you might need to vent, I will give you some tips & advice that will help guide your venting practice.

Tips & Advice To Help You Vent The Correct Way

  • Vent When Your Calm
  • Think Before You Speak
  • Don’t Complain Too Much
  • Don’t Vent To A Person Your Angry With
  • Vent On Paper First If Possible

Venting is a great tool for you to use, but it must be done the right way, so it doesn’t turn around on you. When you decide you are going to vent make sure you are calm enough to focus and think before you speak. Take the time to think about things very carefully. Thinking clearly when you go to vent can make the whole process run a lot smoother. I recommend you spend at least 10 minutes in complete silence really thinking about what it is you want to vent.

A great way vent without involving another person is to get a sheet of paper and write down all of your thoughts. You can even pretend that you are talking to another person if it helps. First find a quiet place with no distractions. Turn off the T.V. and your cell phone before starting. Once you have your solitude just start writing everything that comes to mind. Don’t stop for at least 10 minutes. Nobody ever has to read this, if you want you can shred it when your done. Knowing this little bit of information will make it easier to keep your mind clear. By doing this you are venting your thoughts and expressing your feelings even if it is just on paper. It will have the same effect as actually saying the thoughts with only one main difference. You won’t get the feedback, like you would from friends, family, or support.

If you are planning on venting to another person let them know you are going to vent. If you just start venting right away without giving them warning it could go wrong. Most friends won’t mind if you vent every once in a while to them as long as you let them know you want them to listen. If you surprise someone with a big rant about a lot of things on your mind, it could be a bad time for them, and they may get upset or irritated with your sudden outburst. Make sure that the person you are venting to is close and someone you can trust. Also, make sure the two of you are on good terms. The last you need is to be venting to a person who don’t want to hear it or is upset at you.

When you find the right person to vent to, let them speak just as much as you do. Some people may just want to listen to everything you have to say before giving you input. This is fine and truthfully the venting is about your feelings. The other person is just there for support. If they chose to have an active and engaged conversion or just to listen, either way you will still receive all of the benefits.  Start out with the basics and remember to stay on topic as much as possible. If the other person hints that they may be short on time, be considerate of them as well, and wrap up your conversion. It is best to start out with whats most important to you and cover the small things last. You need to get what’s bugging you the most off your chest first, that way at least the worse part will be off your shoulders. As a good rule of thumb, never vent to the person you are mad at or caused your frustration. This is an easy way to start an argument or a fight. The other person may have different views than you have and may not agree to everything you say. The last thing you need in the middle of a vent is someone arguing with you.

Practice venting and learning the correct way to relieve these feelings. Once mastered you will be a better person. Good Luck!