Benefits of Getting A Good Nights Sleep | How To Sleep Better

Why You Need To Get A Good Nights Sleep

Getting a good nights sleep is important for your daily functions. If you aren’t getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night you could be causing your body a lot harm and reducing your maximum potential. Most people with busy schedules and long work hours only average 5 hours of sleep each night. This lack of sleep is the reason many people have extreme fatigue and sickness. My thought behind this article is to let you know exactly what the benefits and disadvantages are to your sleep patterns. I will give you some tips and advice to help improve the quality of your sleep. If you can just improve your sleep quality a small amount it will make a big difference.

Benefits of Getting A Good Nights Sleep

  • Less Fatigue
  • Improved Immune System Function
  • Higher Energy Levels
  • Ability To Think Clearly & Focus
  • Better Mood
  • Long Term Health Benefits
  • Better Ability To Handle Stress & Challenges

If you are one of the millions that don’t get enough sleep every night, don’t worry there is help. Whether its due to insomnia, erratic sleep patters, lack of time, family, or any other reason there are solutions to help improve your situation. Remember that everyone needs a different amount of sleep to function properly. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours daily. It is possible to get enough sleep on 5 or 6, but  most people will need at least 7.

When you sleep your body has time to recover from the physical and mental strain from your day. This process is required by all living organisms. If you don’t sleep you will die. The longer you go without sleep the more disoriented and fatigued you will be. The leading cause of mistakes in the workplace is from sleep deprivation. Also, when you are sleep deprived you can’t think clearly or focus.

Not only is your cognitive ability compromised, but also you immune system as well. Without the proper rest and recovery your body will not be able fight off disease and heal itself correctly. The long-term effects of not getting enough sleep add up to even more problems. Your body will lose its ability to handle stress and frustration.

This is just some of the disadvantages to losing your valuable sleep time. There are plenty more reasons to get the right amount of sleep. The most important thing to remember is that it will benefit anyone who is sleep deprived. Here are some helpful suggestions to get you started on a good sleep pattern.

Tips & Advice To Help You Get Better Sleep

  • Wake Up At The Same Time Each day
  • Get Plenty Of Sleep (Most People At Least 7 Hours)
  • Do Things To Make You Tired At Bedtime
  • Use A Sleep Aid (Not For Everyone)
  • Don’t Eat Before Bed
  • Drink Less Caffeine & Stimulants

It’s really important that you take full advantage of getting enough sleep. Most people need to sleep at least 7 hours and no more than 9, but like I mentioned earlier it varies from person to person. The best way to determine how much sleep you need is to listen to your body. You need to wake up at the same time every day, then your body will tell you when it’s time to go to sleep. If you get up at 6am each day some days you may feel tired at 9pm and others at 11pm. You need to go to bed when your body tells you to. This is how you can get the optimum amount of sleep. Getting up at the same time everyday lets your body adjust the amount of sleep it needs based on how your day went and how much recovery time you need. Practice setting your alarm and getting up at the exact same time everyday. Do this for at least 4 weeks and by that time it should become a habit for you. It’s important to make sure you do this everyday not just the days that you work.  The more consistent you get with your wake up time the better your night-time sleep will be.

If you have problems getting to sleep at night or maybe even some insomnia you should consider getting yourself into a routine such as exercise before bed. If you can’t fall asleep within a reasonable amount of time you probably haven’t made your body tired enough.  Never lay in bed tossing and turning. If you haven’t fallen asleep in 15 minutes you need to get up and done something to burn off some energy or make your tired. A good 30 minute exercise routine about 1 hour before bed is a great way to make yourself tired and will aid in falling asleep.  You could also try a sleep aid at least until you get into a pattern. Melatonin is a great natural sleep aid you can pick up at any store that sells vitamins. Melatonin is also very cheap and doesn’t require a prescription. You should always check with your doctor especially if you have any prescriptions to make sure that you can take melatonin or any other sleep aid.

Another problem keeping people from getting a good nights sleep is their diets. Don’t eat within 4 hours of bedtime. This will allow your body enough time to digest the food and burn off any extra energy from the food you ate. Some meals may provide more energy than others so be careful what you choose to eat for your last meal of the day. Carbs and Sugars may provide you with more energy than you need and impair your ability to get a good nights rest. Caffeine and other stimulants should be avoided at all cost as well, especially before bed. Snacks before bed can lower the quality of your sleep. Your body will have to spend energy while you sleep digesting the food you ate. This can pull away from your body’s ability to repair and rejuvenate.

Once you get your routine down for getting to sleep, then make sure you are getting the correct amount of sleep. With enough quality sleep your body will be in optimum condition to handle anything your upcoming day can offer. The difference is phenomenal and you will notice results quickly. Possibly as soon as the first good nights sleep you have. The longer you keep up good sleep habits the better. Long term you will really feel the benefits and not only will your mood improve, but your energy levels as well. I hope this helps and at least gets you started. Good Luck!